Simon Amstell: Do Nothing专场观影随笔

January 8, 2022


And I think the difference between us, because I think we are both quiet and shy as children, but he retained that shyness, it makes him beautiful and sensitive and I decided that shyness is something to be overcome.

And I think it's our training. He went to a really good acting school in London where he sort of nourish his sensitivity, to nurture his vulnerability and that's what makes him a great actor. I went to a Saturday morning stage school in Essex where we were told, whether we were singing, dancing or acting, just do it loud.


If there's nothing you can do about something, then you do nothing. And in that moment, the feeling of injustice, the frustration, it was lifted, it was gone. There was nothing to do. I realize I made it up. It was all a story. And it's the same with the past. You can't change the past, no need to heal it. It's only a story you've created, all you can do is let go of the story. You can't change yourself, all you can do is let go the story of who you are, let go of the character you've created from fear. You can't change other people, all you can do is let go of your limited perspectives of them.”


This stupid game based on fear that we play this hard to get game. Everything is a choice between fear and love. We may as well choose love because death is coming. This is about grabbing this moment from universe, without any judgement, without fear.